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What the brand can prove

FRÈNTS offers multiple sizes from XS to XL in their rental model. They also select models of different sizes and from different cultures

FRÈNTS the company is women-owned and is supporting other women-owned businesses

FRÈNTS ships their goods inside a package made of recycled cardboard. However, they are investing in reusable packaging models to further lower their impact

New fashion rental service offering collections of high-end fashion brands. Their mission is to give women an affordable and responsible option to look amazing and feel unique at any moment. They want to give women the luxury of wearing something new to every occasion and feel confident about it. It's like an extended closet

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New fashion rental service offering collections of high-end fashion brands. Their mission is to give women an affordable and responsible option to look amazing and feel unique at any moment. They want to give women the luxury of wearing something new to every occasion and feel confident about it. It's like an extended closet