

Unverified brand
What others think
(5) - 80% positive
🔍 Transparency
🌍 Values and trust
📦 Packaging
⌛ Durability
🤞 Commitment

Average score

Reformation Reviews

Janice Sommer
14 reviews
2 reviews
Professionisti da vero
1 reviews
1 reviews
The packaging is still made off plastic, it’s ‘biodegradable’ plastic but that means it still has to be recycled, you can’t just throw it in the garden and expect it to become compost. Basically this doesn’t change much compared to other plastics. Biodegradable plastics in general are a bit greenwashy imo. The clothers are great though, a lot of nice styles and the jeans are super durable, just a bit big around the waist but that can be fixed with a belt. The shirts are super soft and the hoodies are warm. The big amount of styles does make me worry a bit that the people who buy from the brand will get bored of their item and buy a bunch of new clothes all the time. With brands that sell simple clothes that won’t happen because the clothes will stay stylish forever.
22 reviews

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